Our base daycare rates include:
Difficult dogs will be charged an additional $5.00/day on top of base boarding rates. Difficult dogs are those that cannot be handled or that can only be handled by limited kennel personnel. Each dog will be assessed on an individual basis.
Specialty Care Dogs
Specialty Care dogs will be charged an additional $5.00+/day on top of base boarding rates. Specialty Care will be designated for pets that require additional care due to a specific health condition or due to declining health. This will be on a case by case basis as determined by management.
Medications are administered at a rate of $2.00 per dose or application. For oral medications, we use pill pockets, cheese, or peanut butter to help administer the medication. If your dog takes the medication using something else, please bring it at check-in.
Boarding clients are charged for a day of boarding on the day the pet is dropped off (regardless of time of drop off) and for every day that the pet is at our facility. Clients are not charged for boarding on the day they pick up if the pet is picked up before noon.
If interested in grooming services while boarding, please reach out to our staff.